Your neck supports your head and allows movement. It’s also a topic that can bring a lot of laughter. Read the funniest neck puns for a laugh.
Your neck is an essential body part.
It supports your skull and allows you to move your head. It’s also the most flexible part of your spine.
Necks come in many lengths. Most human necks are less than a foot long.
But animals like giraffes, ostrich, and camels have longer necks.
If you’re ready to laugh, read the following neck puns.
They’re perfect for captions or anytime you want to laugh about necks.
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Hilarious neck puns
1. Thank you, necks.
2. In the neck of time.
3. We have a con-neck-tion.
4. Maybe necks time.
5. Vampires don’t have friends because they’re a pain in the neck.
6. I’m traveling to Neck-aragua.
7. Better luck necks time.
8. Don’t be so neck-ative.
9. A clown’s neck hurts every morning because they sleep on it funny.
10. It’s been neck-lected for years.
11. The easiest way to never look back is to remove your neck.
12. They have a neck for telling stories.
13. Necks are a real head-turner.
14. I wasn’t sure about my neck pimple. Then, it grew on me.
15. Looking back, my neck hurts.
16. I made a necklace out of bread. I call it neck pain.
17. I haven’t looked back since I got a neck brace.
18. A person without a head or neck is in-cape-able.
19. I’m watching a beard-shaving competition. The contestants are neck and neck.
20. No brand won the best neckwear this year. It was a tie.
21. My favorite fruit is neck-tarines.
22. My go-to cocktail is a Neck-roni.
23. I bought new shoes from Neck-e.
24. They were neck-ed from the waist up.
25. We need to work on commu-neck-ation.
26. There’s no need to pa-neck.
27. I’m drinking to-neck water.
28. The aircraft can fly at superso-neck speed.
29. I love s-neck-erdoodle cookies.
30. The room is filled with neck-knacks.
31. I’ll do what’s necks-cessary.
32. The store tried to neck-el-and-dime their customers.
33. The hotel offers sce-neck views of the ocean.
34. It’s an ico-neck image.
35. Let’s have a pic-neck.
36. Isn’t it iro-neck?
37. Tech-neck-ally, you’re correct.
38. I only buy orga-neck produce.
39. The u-neck-orn is a mythical creature.
40. They’re fi-neck-y about food.
41. Some people can be cy-neck-al.
42. It was a chro-neck issue.
43. What’s your neck-name?
44. There’s a new cli-neck-al trial.
45. Scientists reported volca-neck activity.
46. Someone that repairs necks is a mecha-neck.
47. I started playing the harmo-neck-a.
48. We’re getting ma-neck-ures.
49. Let’s go to the bota-neck-al garden.
50. You’re a great commu-neck-ator.
51. Neck exercises are called calisthe-necks.
52. There’s a-neck-dotal evidence.
53. It’s a necks-essity.
54. It was the pin-neck-le of their career.
55. My dress shoes are cog-neck.
56. When you cross a neck with a snake, you get an a-neck-onda.
57. It was an i-neck-curate statement.
58. I’m trying to neck-otiate a better deal.
59. It doesn’t neck-ate the fact.
60. You can customize the man-neck-uin.
61. We’re trying a new tech-neck.
62. The phoe-necks rose from the ashes.
63. The event was u-necks-plainable.
64. It was u-necks-pected.
65. They blamed it on i-necks-perience.
66. I was sick. So, I took Neck-Quil.
67. You’re necks to none.
68. If you have neck pain, never go to Dr. Acula.
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Featured image by David Em/Humor Living.