75+ Hilarious Time Puns to Pass Time With Laughter

Time has been around since the beginning of life. Don’t let a day go by without laughing. So, read the funniest time puns for a good laugh.

Alarm clock.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

Time dates back to the beginning of time. Earth rotates once every 24 hours relative to the sun. It’s called a solar day.

While time was already here, humans found a way to keep track.

Now, watches, clocks, and phones tell you the time.

If you’re ready to laugh, read the following time puns. Then, share the puns with others to spread joy and laughter.

The ultimate list of time puns

1. I tried to eat a clock. It was time-consuming.

2. A belt made of watches is a waist of time.

3. You’re a time.

4. 6:30 is the best time. Hands down.

5. They told me to be on time. So, I sat on a clock.

Person sitting on a clock.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

6. If a watch goes back four seconds, it was hungry.

7. You can’t trust a watch with your secrets because time will tell.

8. It was a sen-time-ntal item.

9. The company is collecting tes-time-onials for their products.

10. Hollywood finally made a movie called Clocks. It’s about time.

11. 11:59:59 is the best time. Second to noon.

12. They’re in-time-idating.

13. It was an es-time-ate.

14. It’s the ul-time-ate test.

15. I worked at a clock factory a few years back. It was the time of my life.

16. Hour you doing?

17. They’re time-id and shy.

18. This is the op-time-al location.

19. My boss asked me to work overtime. So, I put a clock under my desk.

20. They’re trying to s-time-ulate the economy.

21. The restaurant has an in-time-ate atmosphere.

22. I tried to find the beginning and end of time. So, I measured a clock.

Clock and ruler.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

23. My favorite herb is time.

24. They read the script verba-time.

25. I feel op-time-istic.

26. Caffeine is a s-time-ulant.

27. They were given an ul-time-atum.

28. The concern is legi-time-ate.

29. They became mul-time-illionaires.

30. Don’t underes-time-ate them.

31. I put my clock outside. It’s in time out.

32. My science teacher put a watch in a beaker for a timely solution.

33. The art is three-time-nsional.

34. I’ll measure the time-nsions.

35. The clock isn’t working. It looks like it needs a hand.

36. The clock got in trouble for tocking too much.

37. A thief stole a clock at 10:10, and the police said, “Hands up.”

38. Today, I used a timer for the first time. It was an alarming experience.

39. I was running late. So, I went to the store looking for a clock to buy time.

40. I was going to look for my watch, but I could never find the time.

41. My watch scratches easily. It’s time-sensitive.

42. My dog’s name is Rolex. He’s my watchdog.

43. Tennis players always make plans around tennis-h.

44. I’m holding 20 watches. I have a lot of time on my hands.

45. I shot my clock to kill time.

46. My favorite author published a clock book. It’s about time.

47. I bought a 24-hour clock yesterday, but it has stopped working. It only lasted a day.

48. One candy never arrives on time, choco-late.

49. A clock’s favorite social media platform is TikTok.

50. A chicken that keeps time is a cluck.

51. The room didn’t have a clock. It was timeless.

Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

52. Grandfather clocks are old timers.

53. Time flies after you throw a clock out the window.

54. I held my clock in front of the mirror to take time to reflect.

55. Clever clocks are clockwise.

56. Wealthy people buy a lot of watches and clocks because time is money.

57. I heard a great time travel joke tomorrow.

58. I raised a clock at a competition because they said time’s up.

59. Astronauts always eat at launch time.

60. A clock-topus has eight arms and tells time.

61. A bumblebee landed on my clock. It told me to bee on time.

62. I’m learning how to time-y necktie.

63. I always check the time-perature to figure out what to wear.

64. I love seeing to-time poles.

65. I’m at-time-pting to figure it out.

66. I’m looking for someone with extra clocks. I need spare time.

67. I pulled a clock from beneath the water to save time.

68. I made a whale-shaped clock to have a whale of a time.

69. I keep seeing a line of clocks outside my door. It happens time after time.

70. I put a watch on my cut because time heals all wounds.

71. My clock cracked early this morning. It was the crack of dawn.

72. My grandfather always held a clock in front of him. He was behind the times.

Person using a cane and holding a clock.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

73. We’re an i-time.

74. I’m creating time-plates to make it easier.

75. It’s just time-porary.

76. My clock used to behave. It was a good time.

77. The room has con-time-porary styling.

Related: Funny Theater Puns

Featured image by David Em/Humor Living.