40+ Hilarious Ear Jokes You Need to Hear

The ears are organs that allow you to hear. Some are more pointy, while others hang lower. Regardless, read funny ear jokes for a good laugh.

Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

Your ears play two significant roles. They allow you to hear and help you balance.

The ears are also the only sensory organ that makes you aware of what’s happening around you. They’re excellent parts of the body.

If you’re ready to laugh, read the following ear jokes. The jokes are also perfect for sharing while learning about ears.

The funniest ear jokes

1. How much does it cost for a pirate to get an ear piercing?

A buck an ear.

2. What do you call bears without ears?


3. Why do people with large ears make the best listeners?

They’re all ears.

Person's head with big ears.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

4. What kind of ears do cars have?


5. What do you call friends wearing earphones?


6. Why did the ears start dating?

It was lobe at first sight.

7. What’s Warren Buffett’s ears nickname?

The Auricle of Omaha.

8. When can you hear jingling in your right ear and not your left?

When you have earring loss.

9. Why can’t your ear be 12 inches long?

Then, it’d be a foot.

10. What did the ear say before leaving?

I’m out of ear.

11. What does an ear say as it hands you something?

Ear you go.

12. Which ear protects the rest?

The super-ear-o.

13. What’s the best way to keep your ears from overheating?

Turn on the ear conditioner.

14. What has ears but can’t hear?


15. How do mountains hear?

With mountain-ears.

16. Which body part is the best musician?

The eardrum.

17. What do you call an ear that keeps getting itchy?


18. Why did the pianist hit their head on the keys?

They were playing by ear.

19. What do you call a spooky ear?


20. What do you call it when an audiologist shares tips?

Sound advice.

Doctor looking into a patient's ear.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

21. What does an ear do to the popsicle?

Helix it.

22. Where do ears love to go fishing?

Lake Ear-ie.

23. What did the ear say before trying something new?

Ear goes nothing.

24. What did the hearing aid thief get after being caught?

The deaf sentence.

25. Why couldn’t the ear hold back from hugging the other?

It was ear-resistable.

26. What do you do if hearing aid companies keep calling you?

Hear them out.

27. What do you call tasks that an ear needs to do?


28. What do you call it when people stop wearing earrings?

The end of an ear-a.

29. What do British ears say when they agree?

Ear! Ear!

Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

30. How do artists remove their ears?

By using ear-asers.

31. What did the ear say after the other tried to tell it what to do?

You’re not the fossa me!

32. What did the guitarist do after deciding not to play by ear?

They used their hands.

33. What did the ear do after watching a sad movie?

Shed an ear.

34. What do you call the inventor of the hearing aid?

A pion-ear.

Ear with a hearing aid.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

35. What do you call a globe-shaped ear?

A sph-ear.

36. What do you call a fancy hearing aid?

The prem-ear choice.

37. What does an ear do at the grocery store?

It works as the cash-ear.

38. What do you call an ear’s job?

A car-ear.

39. What do ears say before drinking?


40. What do you call an ear that offers to help without pay?

A volunt-ear.

41. Who pressured the ear?

Its p-ears.

42. What does it feel like when ears break up?

It hertz.

Related: Funny Neck Puns

Featured image by David Em/Humor Living.