A record of history is significant because it teaches you about the past. Whether a student, teacher, or history buff, laugh with funny history jokes.

If you want to understand why things are as they are, history can answer it.
History is also an excellent way to learn from past mistakes.
Aside from stories, a record of documents and items is essential. An example is the U.S. Constitution.
It’s a significant part of American history. You can see the original at the National Archives Building.
If you’re ready to laugh, read the following history jokes.
They’re perfect for teachers, students, and anyone passionate about history.
Hilarious history jokes
1. How was the Roman Empire cut in half?
With a pair of Caesars.
2. Do teachers tell American Civil War jokes?
General Lee.

3. Why was the Early Middle Ages called the Dark Ages?
There were so many knights.
4. Why was pharaoh always bragging?
He sphinx he’s the best.
5. What did they do at the Boston Tea Party?
I don’t know. I wasn’t invited.
6. What kind of music did the Pilgrims like?
Plymouth Rock.
7. What do early European settlers in America have in common with ants?
Both live in colonies.
8. Where do Ancient Egyptians order food for a party?
Pizza Tut.
9. Why does history keep repeating itself?
We weren’t listening the first time.
10. What’s an American colonist’s favorite kind of tea?
11. What’s a snake’s favorite subject?
12. How did Vikings send secret messages?
They used Norse code.
13. Why did Columbus cross the ocean?
To get to the other tide.
14. Where do baby Vikings stay?
In the Norse-ry.
15. What was the most popular kids’ movie in Ancient Greece?
Troy Story.
16. Which explorer was the best at hide-and-seek?
Marco Polo.
17. Why did the historians quit their jobs?
They couldn’t see a future in it.
18. How did Benjamin Franklin feel after discovering electricity?

19. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
At the bottom.
20. What do historians talk about at parties?
The good old days.
21. What do you call a medieval spy?
Sir Veillance.
22. Which Roman general was always sick?
Julius Sneezer.
23. Which famous pig signed the Declaration of Independence?
John Ham-cock.
24. Which French emperor was the life of the party?
Napoleon Born-to-party.
25. Which Ancient Greek reptile was known for being a philosopher and polymath?
26. Which of the Thirteen Colonies was the funniest?
27. Why did the Archaeopteryx catch a worm?
It was an early bird.
28. Why didn’t Albert Einstein trust atoms?
They make up everything.
29. How did Jean-Louis Burckhardt feel after discovering Petra?

30. What was the most popular dance in 1776?
31. What did Mason say to Dixon?
This is where we draw the line.
32. Who built the ark?
I have Noah-dea.
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Featured image by David Em/Humor Living.