90+ Hilarious Axe Puns That Are Axe-ually Funny

An axe is a hand tool for chopping, splitting, chipping, and piercing. Next time you use or see one, remember funny axe puns for a good laugh.

Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

An axe is an ancient tool that also works as a weapon.

The earliest ones date back more than 1.76 million years. Today, there are many different types.

Some are better for chopping wood, while others are for mining or battle.

Whether you love the outdoors or chopping wood, get a laugh with the following axe puns.

The best axe puns

1. It was an axe-cident.

2. Don’t be a pain in the axe.

3. Axe and you shall receive.

Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

4. You did an axe-cellent job.

5. I’m so axe-cited to see you.

6. I’m axe-hausted. It’s been a long day.

7. I don’t have axe-cess to the system.

8. I like your axe-cent.

9. Pass the axe cord.

10. Axe-cessories complete every outfit.

11. Random axe of kindness.

12. I axe-cept your apology.

13. I’m here to axe-cess the situation.

14. Axe-cuse me.

15. You’re axe-king for trouble.

16. Allow me to axe-plain.

17. Don’t be an axe-hole.

18. Kick your feet up and rel-axe.

19. When your b-axe against the wall.

20. Press the axe-celerator.

21. It was the clim-axe of the story.

22. I have high axe-pectations.

23. Axe-ually, I changed my mind.

24. The biologists are running an axe-periment.

25. Don’t be afraid to axe-press yourself.

Two axes.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

26. It was an axe-aggeration.

27. Axe, axe, baby.

28. Do you consider yourself an introvert or axe-trovert?

29. I heard an axe-plosion.

30. I’m stretching to become more fl-axe-ible.

31. I’m back in axe-ion.

32. I spent two hours looking for my axe. Then, it hit me.

33. Only two things in life are certain: Death and axes. The former usually follows the latter.

34. The student was axe-pelled from school.

35. The doctor axe-amined the injuries.

36. It was an axe-travagant party.

37. It happens when you least axe-pect it.

38. I found an axe stuck in my computer. Someone must’ve hacked it.

39. The lumberjack didn’t know what to do when his axe broke. He was stumped.

40. It really p-axe a punch.

41. There are cr-axe in the cement.

42. Protect yourself from att-axe.

43. Every summer, the lumberjack kay-axe.

44. A lumberjack’s favorite swimming style is the b-axe-troke.

45. Don’t be a b-axe-tabber.

46. I’m studying for an axe-am.

47. The lumber company hired a new axe-ecutive.

48. I’m looking for the axe-it.

49. You really axe-ude confidence.

50. I’ll make an axe-ception.

Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

51. Your outfit axe-centuates your curves.

52. I’m going to the gym to axe-rcise.

53. Check the axe-piration date.

54. This is a great axe-ample.

55. I can’t axe-press how much you mean to me.

56. This is axe-actly what I want.

57. I love axe-ploring the outdoors.

58. Track your axe-penses.

59. They took axe-treme measures.

60. I’d like to axe-change a product.

61. They axe-tended the deadline.

62. I’m here for your axe-pertise.

63. It’s a bit axe-cessive.

64. The home offers axe-pansive views.

65. Dinosaurs are axe-tinct.

66. What’s your axe-planation?

67. I bought it at an axe-tion.

68. I’m taking a t-axe-i.

69. We’ve reached the m-axe-imum capacity.

70. I’m learning how to play the s-axe-ophone.

71. Get your f-axe straight.

72. I find you axe-tractive.

73. The hen sat on the egg to hatchet.

74. The lumberjack said to his girlfriend, “I’m felling in love with you.”

75. I’m going to the chopping maul.

76. I’ll have them maul.

77. The lumberjack is Dayton a few people.

78. It’s the opti-maul axe.

79. I’m painting an axe-cent wall.

80. There was a maul-function.

81. Congratulations on your axe-ceptance.

82. I know you’ll axe-cel in all you do.

Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

83. The tomahawk was in such good shape. It was axe-quisite.

84. I saw axe-otic birds while on vacation.

85. I’m requesting an axe-tention.

86. The lumberjack went to the dentist because his tooth needs to be axe-tracted.

87. I read the axe-cerpt.

88. It’s an infor-maul event.

89. That’s his axe-girlfriend.

90. You’re axe-traordinary.

91. I’m from a s-maul town.

92. It’s nor-maul to feel that way.

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Featured image by David Em/Humor Living.