30+ Hilarious Parrot Jokes to Make You Laugh

Parrots are beautiful birds of more than 350 species. Read hilarious parrot jokes for a good laugh the next time you see or hear about one.

Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

Parrots are fascinating birds. They have curved and strong beaks, along with large heads.

They also have four toes that allow them to eat with their feet.

There are more than 350 species. Examples include cockatoos, macaws, cockatiels, and Amazon parrots.

They’re social birds and live in flocks. Some flocks have up to 1,000 parrots.

If you’re ready to laugh, read the following parrot jokes.

Then, tell the jokes to others the next time you see, hear, or read about parrots.

Funny parrot jokes

1. What did the parrot say to give the other a ride?

Get in macaw.

2. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?

A carrot.

3. What do you call a movie about a parrot mocking a topic?

A parrot-y.

Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

4. What did the parrot study in college?

Polly-tical science.

5. What did the parrot call the perfect vacation destination?


6. What did the surprised parrot say?

Oh macaw-d.

Parrot flying.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

7. What’s a parrot’s favorite game?

Hide and speak.

8. Why are parrots good at improvising?

They know how to wing it.

9. What do you call a parrot that flies away?


10. What do you name a synthetic parrot?

Polly Ester.

11. What do you get when you cross a parrot with a shark?

A bird that talks your ear off.

12. What do parrots wear at the beach?

A beak-ini.

13. What’s better than a talking parrot?

A spelling bee.

14. What do parrots play with their babies?


15. How do parrots with broken wings land?

They use a parrot-chute.

16. What do you call a parrot that can’t fly?

A walkie-talkie.

17. Did you hear about the talking birds?

A-parrot-ly, it’s true.

18. What do you call a parrot with knowledge about many things?

A Polly-math.

19. What do you call a parrot that says a self-contradictory statement?

A parrot-ox.

Parrot on a branch.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

20. What do you call parrots that don’t come together?


21. What did the parrot say after losing hope?

I’m a lost macaws.

22. What do parrots call the 80/20 rule?

The Parrot-o principle.

23. What do you call a parrot that’s willing to do anything?


24. How do you choose a parrot?

Com-parrot with the others.

25. What did the parrot say after not being able to do something anymore?

I can’t parrot any longer.

26. Why was the pirate glad after a large parrot flew away?

It was a huge weight off his shoulder.

27. What did the parrot say to its child?


28. What do you call an unreasonably suspicious parrot?


29. What’s a parrot’s favorite board game?


Parrot flying.
Photo by David Em/Humor Living.

30. What do you call a parrot that can’t move?


31. Why couldn’t the parrot get a refund?

It’s against the store’s Polly-cy.

32. What do you do to a broken parrot?


33. How do you make parrots a couple?

Parrot with another.

Related: Funny Beaver Jokes

Featured image by David Em/Humor Living.