Whether doing a prank call or wanting a good laugh, read funny name puns. Some are easy to get, while others take a couple of re-reads.
Your name is an essential part of your identity.
Sometimes, you don’t want to use your name. Instead, a prank name is a better fit.
You can use them as usernames, for prank calls, or for jokes.
But overlook names like Liam and Olivia because they’re the most popular.
Instead, read the following name puns for a good laugh. You’ll also find the perfect prank name for you.
Related: Funny Potato Nicknames
The funniest name puns and prank names
1. Aaron C. Reskew
2. Adam Zapel
3. Al Bino
4. Al Dente
5. Al E. Gater
6. Al K. Seltzer
7. Anita Bath
8. Anna Conda
9. Anne Teak
10. Annie Won
11. Artie Dunn
12. Barb Dwyer
13. Barb E. Dahl
14. Ben Dover
15. Cam Payne
16. Chris Cross
17. Chris P. Bacon
18. Clara Nett
19. Colin DaCopps
20. Crystal Ball
21. Dan Druff
22. Darryl B. Moreticome
23. Dee Zaster
24. Dewey Needham
25. Dick Tator
26. Don Key
27. Doug Graves
28. Dusty Kaur
29. Earl E. Bird
30. Eileen Bach
31. Ella Fant
32. Ella Vader
33. Felix Austead
34. Felix Cited
35. Frank N. Stein
36. Hai Howie Yu
37. Harry Pitts
38. Helen Bach
39. Holly Day
40. Ina Minat
40. Izzy Goudinov
41. Jack Pott
42. Jay Walker
43. Jed I. Knight
44. Joe King
45. Justin Case
46. Kay Oss
47. Ken Talke
48. Kerry Oki
49. Lee King
50. Lee Thargic
51. Leigh Downe
52. Les Payne
53. Lois Price
54. Lou Cifer
55. Mack Aroney
56. Manny Kinn
57. Marv Ellis
58. Mary Gold
59. May B. Dunn
60. Mike Rafone
61. Mike Stant
62. Mike Tosis
63. Miles A. Head
64. Misty Waters
65. Ophelia Payne
66. Otto Graff
67. Paige Turner
68. Pat Downe
69. Polly Ester
70. Ray Lacks
71. Reed A. Book
72. Rhoda Carr
73. Rick O’Shea
74. Rita Storey
75. Robin Banks
76. Rolla Koster
77. Russel Sprout
78. Sal A. Mander
79. Sal Monella
80. Sam Sung
81. Sandy Beech
82. Sno White
83. Stan Dupp
84. Sue Flay
85. Sue Parr
86. Sue Yoo
87. Tad Pohl
88. Tamara Knight
89. Ted E. Baer
90. Terry Bell
91. Tim Burr
92. Ty Coon
93. Ty Malone
94. Ty Penn
94. Val Crow
95. Walt Smedley
96. Wanda Rinn
97. Warren Peace
98. Will Power
99. Will Wynn
100. Willy Nott
101. Willy Paye
102. Woody U. Ngo
103. Zoltan Pepper
Related: Funny Kahoot Names
Featured image by David Em/Humor Living.